Friday, January 6, 2012

Preaching To The Choir

...I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10

Lately I have been thinking and pondering over my twenty seven years of life. The older I get, the more I long for a full life. A life of adventure. A life of surprises. Like the scripture says, I want to have life to the full.

So often this world tries to tell us that the secret to having an abundant and full life is to have things... lots and lots of things! We need boats and new homes and thing after thing after thing. It is so easy to get caught up trying to make all these "things" bring happiness. Is that what Jesus calls us to?

Or does he call us to serve?

Let's keep reading. “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep."

Who had a more abundant life, Elvis Presley or Mother Theresa? The king had a lot of stuff. Mother Theresa didn't have anything. Elvis traveled all around the world. Mother Theresa spent her time in the slums.

Jesus came so that we may have life. And not just any life, but a FULL life. He laid down his life for us so that we can lay down our lives for others as we serve Him. As we give of ourselves. As we sacrifice until it hurts. Sometimes I don't want to give because I know it is going to hurt. Often I choose the selfish route because it sounds the best for me. That's not living a full life.

Taking time to cook my husbands favorite meal because he has worked his tail off for thirteen hours. Running outside in your pajamas and bare feet to flag down the homeless man with the grocery cart to give him your bottles. Saving up to go on a family mission trip rather than a family vacation. Spend your date night volunteering. These are small things. But you know what our dear Mother Theresa said? "There are no great things. Only small things with great love."

I am preaching to the choir here. So often I choose to be selfish with my time at home. I could be busy serving my sweet girls when instead I am busy serving myself. But I want to change. I want to love greatly. I want to live a full life the way God intended. I know he will honor my desires, even when my flesh is weak.

But we should be prepared. God will take us on an adventure alright, I just don't think it's going to be anything like we expected! ;)

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