Monday, January 9, 2012

Hope for tomorrow

I am addicted to reading blogs.

It's true.

I am not quite sure when it started, but the addiction grew fast. Crafting blogs, recipe blogs, adoption blogs, mom blogs, decorating blogs... they get me every time. I do so much less that I ought because I spend lots of time reading about everyone else.

Over the last few months I have been able to realize how much time I was wasting. I decided to continue only reading my three favorites on a daily basis. My most favorite blog (and probably the first one I ever read) is called Under The Sycamore.

Ashley Ann Campbell is a mom of four, amazing DIY'er and in the process of adopting. All those things make my heart so happy! Although I have never met her, I feel like we would be friends in "real life" ;)I am sure everyone thinks that, which is why her blog is so popular! But I don't mind. I feel like she tries to keep things as real as possible. And that is what I love most about her.

Today she wrote a post about her first born who is turning eight. I cried while reading it. I cried because I am an emotional crazy person I really identified with her as a mom while her son was young. Amara is so strong willed. I feel like I correct her all the time. I feel like we often have no fun because she can't have fun without turning something into a game of wills. I worry she is going to grow up and resent me.

I also cried because her son wanted to give all his money away. I SO badly want my kids to grow up with a heart like that. I want them to love the world and the diversity of it. I don't want them to have any prejudice in their heart. I want them to realize that we are so blessed financially as Americans and the majority of the world is not. I want my girls to have brothers and sisters of all different race and color. I want them to know we are all equal and all made in God's image.

On a weary day where I have been spending the majority of my time correcting my strong willed two year old and wondering if she is ever going be anything other than the crazy girl who just drank toilet water, taking a minute to read Ashley's post gave me hope. Hope for tomorrow. And the next day, and the next. If I keep investing in my kids, keep praying for my kids and keep doing the best that I can, they just might turn into some amazing little eight year olds :)

You can find Ashley's blog post from today here: Read it and stay awhile. I think you will like her as much as I do!



  1. And I just bet she would like you as much as I do too! Enjoying reading you! :)

  2. your children are amazing already!!! and you are a wonderful mommy!!!

  3. I'm addicted to reading blogs too. :-D That's why I keep coming back to yours.
